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Custom Field Types

Angie | PurpleCow Digital
Updated 1 year ago

Custom Fields store data that is permanent and unique to each contact. Custom Field Types control how the request for that data is presented, and offer several options to ensure you can collect that data in the most useful structure.


Contacts Settings - Custom Field Types - Text

If you want a short written answer from people, this is what you need.

PRO-TIP: You can make this Custom Field type required on Forms and Surveys.


Contacts Settings - Custom Field Types - Large Text

This is ideal if you want people to write you long answers. Answers can be as long as people want!

PRO-TIP: You can make this Custom Field type required on Forms and Surveys.


Contacts Settings - Custom Field Types - Numerical

This only accepts numbers as an answer. When you want to know how many of something someone wants, use this to make sure they give you a numerical answer.


Contacts Settings - Custom Field Types - Phone

Whenever you’re collecting contact details, this question is what you need for phone numbers. It lets respondents choose their country code, and each country is configured so they can only enter a correctly formatted number.


Contacts Settings - Custom Field Types - Monetary

This only accepts positive currency amounts as an answer. When you want to know the value of something, use this to ensure they give you an answer that translates to currency.



Contacts Settings - Custom Field Types - Checkbox

Use this when you want to offer one or more checkboxes. This does allow multiple selections.


Contacts Settings - Custom Field Types - Single Options

Use this when you want to offer a range of answers to a question and DO NOT allow multiple selections.


Contacts Settings - Custom Field Types - Multiple Options

Use this when you want to offer a range of answers to a question and DO allow multiple selections.


Contacts Settings - Custom Field Types - Radio

This custom field type functions similarly to the “Single Options” type. The difference between them is the visual representation. Users can select only one option when presented with Single Options and radio buttons.


Contacts Settings - Custom Field Types - Date

This field lets you capture a date (YYYY-DD-MM format).


Contacts Settings - Custom Field Types - Textbox List

Use this when you want to have a list of set labels, with room to enter values next to each label.


Contacts Settings - Custom Field Types - File Upload

Let people upload files (PDF, DOC/DOCX, JPG/JPEG, PNG, GIF). Great for job applications or anything where users, prospects, customers, vendors, etc. need to upload a file or picture (even from their phones).


Contacts Settings - Custom Field Types - Signature

Use this when you want to collect signatures with a form or a survey. When the signer is signing a form or a survey, they can also "clear" and resign if they don't get it right the first time.

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