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Let's Learn The Basics

Angie | PurpleCow Digital
Updated 1 year ago

The conversations tab is where you may find yourself most often. This is where you will communicate with your clients via SMS, email, phone, & other social media channels.

On the secondary menu within the conversations tab you'll see:

  • Conversations

  • Manual actions

  • Templates

  • Trigger links


In this article, you'll learn what each of these options does & how you can use these to make your communication with clients more efficient & effective.


The conversations tab is one of the most powerful features within the CRM. Here you are able to have one-to-one conversations with any new leads & existing customers.

The best part is you can send and receive messages from multiple channels like:

  • Text Messages

  • Email

  • Phone Calls

  • Facebook

  • Instagram

  • Google My Business Chat

    Let's show you how it all works!

  • You can organize all of your conversations into 3 main categories:

    1. Unread: All new messages that have not been replied to yet or have been "Marked As Read" will appear here.

    2. Recents: Unread & read messages received in the last few days will appear here.
    3. All: This stores all of your messages to date. These are sorted by date.

    Filtering Messages

    You can filter your entire conversations list to show only the contacts you are assigned to.

    When you click on the icon in red below you'll see 2 options filter by "All Chats" or "My Chats"

    How to send a new message in conversations

    If you want to quickly send a new SMS message to a contact from the conversations tab first click on the icon circled in orange.


    New Message Pop Up

    Once you click, you'll see this pop-up appear.

    Enter Your Customer's Name

    Type in your customer's name. If they are already in the CRM their contact information will appear in the drop-down. Please select it.

    Select A Template Or Write Your Message

    Then, go ahead and either select a message from a pre-written template you've saved or write a message in the "Enter A Message" box. Once you're done hit "Send Message".

    Message Box


    Towards the bottom of your screen, you'll see the message box. This is where you'll write SMS messages, emails, and messages to Facebook, Instagram, & Google My Business. The options that appear here depend on the channels your contact is connected to.

    Contact Details

    Here you can view & edit your contact's information. You can also:
    1. Add Tags
    2. Place a contact on DND
    3. View the current workflows/campaigns a customer is in
    4. Create an opportunity
    5. Schedule an appointment

    Archive, Mark as Read/Unread, Delete

    Manual Actions

    Manual actions are located in the Conversations area. The best way to think of these is as a queue of tasks for you to complete. They make your communication & follow-up more efficient.

    You have the option to queue up SMS messages & outbound phone calls. If you have lots of leads you want to personally follow up with these manual actions are a great way to queue up all your follow-up & then rapid-fire through them at one time.

    The phone call events act as an autodialer allowing you to call lead after lead in one sitting.



    Manual Actions can be found in the top menu of the Conversations Tab. Once you are here you will see your live queue. Here you can see additional details of your queued contacts like:

    • Contact Name

    • Which campaign/workflow the manual action was queued from

    • Date Added

    • Who the assignee or owner of the lead is (may be blank if not assigned)

    • What type of action is queued (SMS or Call)

    You can also delete leads from the queue if needed.


    Options To Filter Manual Actions

    You can filter your actions by the assignee of the lead & by which workflow /campaign the manual action was queued from.

    When you are ready to begin press the "Let's Start" button to clear your queue.

    This makes follow-up a breeze.

    Use Case For SMS Manual Actions

    There are two types of SMS options within the system. You can either send an automated SMS to a lead or you can queue a manual SMS.

    Manual SMS messages work great when you have already attempted to follow up with the lead via an automated message but the lead did not reply. Now you may want to personalize the message & reach out to them again.

    If you see the photo we have an auto SMS that is highlighted in yellow. After that, we wait 90 minutes for the lead to reply. If the lead hasn't replied at the end of the 90 minutes we've queued a manual SMS with the following message.

    "We haven't heard back from you yet, can I still help you with {INSERT INQUIRY ABOVE}"

    Now when you go to your manual actions to complete this you will personalize the message & replace "{INSERT INQUIRY ABOVE}with the actual inuiry your lead is asking about.


    1. You didn't have to go searching through to find which leads have not responded.

    2. You aren't missing out on opportunities to nurture leads to close.

    3. With personalized messages, you are likely to close at a higher rate.

      Stop switching between email, social media, and your phone just to talk to new leads & customers. Now with our unified conversations inbox, you can communicate with all of your contacts just from one place. You'll save tons of time & have better communication with your contacts.


    Use Case For Call Manual Actions

    The manual call actions work great as an autodialer to call back leads.

    Let's say you have leads opting in through a form on a website or through an ad campaign. You can then add a manual call action to follow up with your new lead.


    1. You can quickly call your leads

    2. Follow-up becomes a breeze, just press let's start & we will automatically call your queued list. No more having to dial in number after number.




    Here you can see both Email and SMS templates listed out. You can also create new Email or SMS templates in this area as well by clicking Add Template in the upper right corner of the screen and choosing between email and SMS. Then create the template as you like.

    Trigger Links


    Trigger links are a very powerful tool in the system. They enable you to track specific customer actions & trigger automated events when a link is clicked. They are most commonly used in emails & SMS messages.

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