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Opportunities Overview

Angie | PurpleCow Digital
Updated 1 year ago

Within the Opportunities Tab, you can display a great number of contacts and get a visual of where those contacts are on your process.

This view can help you stay organized by using different filters, be aware of the progress of your objectives, keep tract of your revenue and manage your leads in more visual way.

This guide will help you understand the functionality of the Opportunities tab and how you can use it on a day-to-day basis.


Navigate To The "Opportunities" Tab

Click "Opportunities" on your main menu.


Pipelines & Stages

Pipeline is a visual representation of the lead's journey and where they are in the sales process. In the system, the pipelines represent the full view of your Opportunities Tab.

The pipeline is meant to be customized to fit your businessโ€™s processes and relationships, in order to complete the sales process with qualified leads.




Within a pipeline there are Stages, which are the steps on your process from beginning to end. In the system, once you're in the Opportunities view, the stages are the columns you see within the pipeline.



Opportunity Cards

Leads or Opportunities will show within cards on your Pipeline. You'll be able to move the cards to different stages and statuses.

Each card contains the contact details, appointment info, tasks and notes related to that specific lead, so each contact card is unique for every lead.



Moving Opportunity Cards

You can change the stage OR status of your leads by dragging and dropping them where you want them to be.



Opportunity Status

When you move your leads, the statuses will show at the bottom of the page. This is what these statuses mean:

  • Won: when you've completed the sale or the main goal of your process

  • Lost: contacts that requested to stop the follow up or are not interested

  • Abandoned: when a contact stops responding


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